Outdoor forsythia blossoms
Amazingly we could get to everything we needed to temporarily set up an extra bed for D to “distance” during L’s isolation
At least dogs don’t have to isolate
Wednesday morning treat
L2 is now a close contact of a close contact of a positive case
Two more with their first vaccine
Loading up on some boxes
Sold the Rogue today
Moved to the beach!
Yay for warm Spring days
Congratulations L1
Practicing with the baby carrier
Another painting day
Early morning walking parade
Finally found a patio heater in stock - Scotia helped put it together
Three years ago today
Checking out induction cookware at the Bay
L1 Pfizer-ed
Good-bye house
One more baby outfit
Sale on baby clothes led to big purchase today
R and R Astra-Zeneca-ed
L2 got Pfizer-ed today
A kitty nap theme
Sunday’s news
Some move-out cleaning
The downstairs room today
Pretty colour!
One-a-penny, two-a-penny...